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Canada's environmental activists seen as 'threat to national security'

"Police and security agencies describe green groups' protests and petitions as 'forms of attack', documents reveal"


Shale oil surge poses threat to renewable energy, PwC warns

"Green groups warn against huge shale oil risks as report finds it could comprise 12 per cent of oil production in 2035"

Category: Energy sources


Ethiopia looks to realise its geothermal energy potential

"Initial exploration and drilling to be funded by Development Bank of Ethiopia as part of World Bank collaboration"

Category: Energy sources


Colourful 'solar glass' means entire buildings can generate clean power

"British firm develops colourful, transparent solar cells that will add just 10% to glass buildings' cost"

Category: Energy sources


Brazil's hydroelectric dam boom is bringing tensions as well as energy

"People are having to leave their homes, villages are being submerged, and worries are being expressed about damage to the biodiverse Amazon forest"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 71 to 75 out of 2977